The Metaphysics of Authenticity

Christian Mazzilli
6 min readOct 27, 2019
Bloody Lake on Table Mountain. Cape Town, South Africa.

As oneness begins to make sense in our heart, as in it has become a comprehension of feeling beyond the mind — which is a consolidation of pure consciousness [truth] within our energetic field — we will start to feel an inner [energy] shift that we can’t quite explain. This makes sense because the consolidation of consciousness is more of an energy [feeling] that we develop within and beyond the physicality of ‘things’; as it is infinite. Some may feel it as an expansion of light in their being-ness, which is metaphysically accurate, and it is the opening of the heart chakra…which initiates an unveiling of the authentic Self and results in a feeling of resilience that will permeate our overall ’outlook’ on LIFE.

From a metaphysical perspective, our cellular composition becomes less [solid] ‘dense’ because we have allowed our feelings [energy] to become more free [fluid] by letting go of the rigidity of concept [limitations] in our minds…that were only reinforced by opinions. And by now resonating closer with our authentic nature the electrons of our energy body oscillate at a quicker vibration, pulling more light [pure energy] into our lifestream through the crown, which makes us feel [in-spirit] lighter, uplifted, and more infinite in our capabilities. Having said that our entire [LIFE] experience is imbued with this quality, for it is the qualification of energy we send forth in the process of [alignment] experiencing, and so our life situations, as well as the ‘things’ they comprise of seem [feel] less overwhelming [heavy] or ‘dense’ due to an inner knowing [sense] of our deep connection — ONEness — within the experiential process of LIFE.

When we first consciously enter the benevolence of this [energy] feeling we may find it difficult to maintain as the [ego] mind — the socially conditioned mind — will have a tendency to reintroduce [re-identify] itself through it’s pattern of ‘logical’ reasoning and need for concepts; which blocks us from the light [truth] of being. It attempts to take [meaning] credit for all of the loving results we experience as our benevolent [energetic] state by thinking about it as a ‘gain’ for itself — the personality or body — and it will be an impulse of the ego to mentally strategize as to how it may use such an understanding for further personal gain. It is a very common misunderstanding of the spiritually naive to try and use spiritual power to acquire things. They do not realize yet that spirituality is a being-ness, not a doing-ness, and that the power they intuit is not theirs personally but a quality of their oneness with divinity. Once the quality of our energy [intention] aligns with the authentic [ONE]Self favourable and abundant conditions prevail as a consequence of that [energy] which we are. One does not need to try to ‘create’ anything. One becomes fully supported by the omniscient field of energy of the Universe or the Holy Spirit; that is truly benevolent and abundant.

By framing our spiritual function into a doing-ness we re-identify with [ego] mind-activity and we throw ourselves back into the mental realm of duality, where things are perceived to be separate from us and limited in nature. All this does is create more clever ‘belief systems’ that can persuade us into believing that we are aligning with authenticity but eventually their consequence is the same; an inevitable feeling of ‘dis-ease’ [discontent] within due to a disconnection from ONEness. This is not ‘bad’ or ‘negative’ for us as a spiritual seeker as we may have drawn closer to the authentic Self than where we may had energetically [spiritually] resided previously — so spiritual progress has perhaps occurred — but the ego becomes more clever with each advancement in consciousness, as it is desperate for survival, and it will attempt to keep spirituality in the realm of mind; which is the only realm that the ego can exist. This seems to be necessary for most of us on the physical plain so that we may [re]inspire [in-spirit] the process of introspection and expand our awareness intrinsically once again, by surrendering belief systems — opening our minds — and becoming humble enough to feel the calling to practice the pathway of authenticity; which is an empowering way of being.

This cyclical ‘life pattern’ is the ‘struggle’ that most of us find ourselves enduring in realizing the [divine] authentic Self. It is the ‘longest’ journey most humans will ever embark on — it is a major reason why most of use incarnate to this dimension — and it is a two foot journey from the head to the heart. Ultimately, it is the process of transcending the karmic propensity of the ego-active mind. One can not really be blamed for ‘struggling’ with the ego but it is really only as much of a ‘struggle’ as we make it out to be and that all depends on how attached we have become to the content of this world; appearances, opinions, and all forms that are projected to be ‘important.’ Having said that, the journey can become much more graceful as we begin to surrender our inner attachment to those things and replace our intention of outer-acquisition with an intention of living harmoniously with ALL as ONE. Harmony is the [natural] way of the Universe and when the way of the Universe becomes our way we can harmonize with anything…ALL things…simply because we align with a divine context that allows ALL to BE. That divine context is our true birthplace of the soul. It is our true spiritual heritage.

Our spiritual heritage is like an unconditional freedom that in essence is the energy of unconditional LOVE, likened to a feeling of being ALL that we can be as if there was absolutely no limitations in our experiencing. The intellectual mind can’t quite grasp it in it’s entirety because the mind needs to box things in to limitations, to compare and contrast, and the universe has none as it is limitless; infinite. Really, it is beyond the understanding of form because as pure essence it is formless…more like a hazy-wave of infinite potential that could expand forever, if that makes sense. To put it simply, we can not ‘think about it’ because it’s absoluteness [essence] is an energy. As we are, in essence, energetic beings we resonate with this essence as a feeling that resides deep within our heart as we dwell here on earth but for most it is hardly accessible due to the [rigid] layers of [small] ‘self-importance’ — finite opinions — that we may focus on instead with our mental activity. This pure energetic freedom is our true [essence] origin; thus it being referred to as our spiritual heritage.

Practice: Consolidate Oneness

As you take deep breaths bring a feeling of absolute pure presence into the experience of your being. To facilitate this focus on the feeling of your inner body atmosphere. Notice your lungs expand as you slowly inhale and feel them slowly decompress on the exhale. Feel the blood running through your veins. Now notice the empty space between your organs in feeling, notice that space within you that allows ‘you’ and become that space in feeling. Establish an unwavering stillness, silence, and calmness in your inner environment…a feeling of pure consciousness…a pure energetic state...pure space. Stay with that feeling until ‘you’ dissolve away and all that is left is the feeling of void. Surrender any ‘thing’ that your mind tries to latch onto. Become one with the void.

Thanks for visiting and more to come…


